PT. NAS Barakah International would like to express that the images/graphics that are used on the website may available on the internet, and are considered to be open source for use of representation purpose. The images and content which are on the internet are simultaneously in public domain and thus prompting use by parties willing to do so. At the same time being responsible for our action PT. NAS Barakah International does never intentionally intend to violate, or infringe rights of an individual or a firm which is expressly stated by the same. If you happen to be the SOLE rights holder of any image or material appearing on our website, make it a point to notify the PT. NAS Barakah International of the same.
Violation of any sort of copyright or right of ownership though avoided, if any individual or a firm has any complains of PT. NAS Barakah International using their owned or copyrighted material being unauthorized to do so and or without suitable credits for the same can send us a written complaint/ notice/ request to withdraw the image/ content or others (Please specify) on info [ at]
The forwarded complaint/ notice/ request must contain:
If any among the above details are incompletely or inappropriately filled and sent to PT. NAS Barakah International, in minor cases the request might not considered and in specific cases might result in a suit being filed by the PT. NAS Barakah International against the individual or company trying to wrongfully frame PT. NAS Barakah International in a baseless case.
It should also be taken into notice that once a fully valid, verified complaint/ notice/ request is received by the company it is bound to revert to the aggrieved party in writing (on the email id used for putting up the complaint/ notice/ request) acknowledging the same along with a requested duration during which the said issue will be duly and rightfully addressed.
Considering all these facts and clauses as a part of the founding policy of the PT. NAS Barakah International never tries to intentionally hold right over anything which is owned by any party other than PT. NAS Barakah International.